
**1. Introduction**

At sabzfuture, we are committed to maintaining the highest level of transparency and accountability in all our activities, including the collection and use of donations. This transparency policy outlines our commitment to providing clear and accessible information to our donors, supporters, and the general public.

**2. Purpose**

The purpose of this policy is to:

2.1. **Build Trust:** To build trust and confidence among our donors and supporters by ensuring transparency in how we handle donations and use funds.

2.2. **Compliance:** To comply with legal and regulatory requirements related to charitable organizations and fundraising.

**3. Donation Collection**

3.1. **Donation Sources:** We accept donations from various sources, including individuals, corporations, foundations, and grants. We will not accept donations that are incompatible with our mission, values, or ethical standards.

3.2. **Donor Information:** We collect and maintain donor information in accordance with our privacy policy. Donor information will not be shared or sold to third parties unless explicitly consented to by the donor.

**4. Use of Donations**

4.1. **Designation of Funds:** Donors may designate their donations for specific purposes or programs. We will make every effort to honor these designations. However, if a project is overfunded or the intended purpose becomes unfeasible, we will reallocate funds to closely related projects or programs.

4.2. **Administrative Costs:** We may allocate a portion of donations to cover administrative and fundraising costs. We are committed to keeping these costs as low as possible to maximize the impact of donations on our programs and projects.

**5. Financial Reporting**

5.1. **Annual Financial Statements:** We will provide an annual financial report that includes a breakdown of income, expenses, and program spending. This report will be available on our website and provided to donors upon request.

5.2. **Audits:** We will undergo independent financial audits as required by law and best practices. Audit reports will be made available to the public.

**6. Donor Communication**

6.1. **Acknowledgment:** Donors will receive prompt and appropriate acknowledgment of their donations, including a receipt for tax purposes if applicable.

6.2. **Updates:** Donors will receive regular updates on the progress of programs and projects they have supported. We will also communicate any significant changes in our organization or mission.

**7. Complaints and Concerns**

7.1. **Complaint Handling:** We have established a process for donors and the public to raise concerns or complaints related to our fundraising or financial practices. Complaints will be addressed promptly and fairly.

**8. Governance and Oversight**

8.1. **Board of Directors:** Our organization’s Board of Directors plays a critical role in ensuring transparency and accountability. They oversee financial practices and ensure compliance with this policy.

**9. Revision of Policy**

9.1. **Policy Review:** This transparency policy will be reviewed annually and updated as needed to reflect changes in best practices, legal requirements, or our organization’s operations.